This is the most common design that can be fitted in a large space. It is specifically popular as it provides spacious BIR with many drawers and shelves, along with the hanging space. The price (which is based on the dimensions that have been provided in the Layout section) includes supply, assembly, and installation. You can order slide doors as well, either mirror or laminate. Contact us to get more info and visit here to get more ideas and tips on renovation projects.


This is the most common design that can be fitted in a large space. It is specifically popular as it provides spacious BIR with many drawers and shelves, along with the hanging space. The price (which is based on the dimensions that have been provided in the Layout section) includes supply, assembly, and installation. You can order slide doors as well, either mirror or laminate. Contact us to get more info and visit here to get more ideas and tips on renovation projects.

Price : $ 0 (Flatpack) ? This is only for flatpack based on indicated dimensions in the layout section.
Assembly : + $ 0 ? The assemble is optional and would be added to the flatpack price.
Installation : + $400 indicative ? This is just indicative of a standard installation.